Cleaning Services

Data Centres and Server Rooms are the heart and backbone of your organisation’s infrastructure, this mission critical environment represents a large investment for most organisations.  IT industry research has concluded that up to 70% of data/server room related breakdowns are caused by dust and other debris. Data Centre maintenance is the most cost-effective way of removing dust from your environment.

Dust can build up inside servers and block airways which increase the heat produced within the server and eventually the room, therefore increasing power usage in the form of increased cooling needs both in the room and the servers (fans working harder).

Digi-clean is able to offer data centre and server room maintanance to ISO 14644-1 2015 Class 8 standard (or better) plus all accessible surfaces free of dust. This specification is the current best practice for data centre and server room maintenance, and offers an achievable specification which can be recorded and certified to prove the spaces are clean.

Companies Like Cisco, EMC and Dell are now requiring that their equipment is housed in clean environments, if equipment fails due to dust contamination warranties may be void.

Our Service Offering Includes:
basic clean
Basic Cleaning
Deep Cleaning
Benefits Of These Services
Increase digital equipment lifespan and availability
of IT equipment

Breakages and unnecessary downtime can occur if the equipment is not maintained properly.

Reduce risk of invalidating equipment

Most vendors and insurance require evidence of proper maintenance over time.

Mitigate fire risks

Debris, grime and dirt combined with static sparks could lead to fires.

Improve staff productivity

The health of staff is directly and positively affected if they work on clean and sanitised environments